
  • daverb posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 8 months ago

    RG Exia wip. going for a 3-tone inner frame. gunmetal, titanium, and metallic grey. sanded off visible seam lines when you put on the armor parts. hated the back of the knee seam line especially…
    • lookin good. I fully agree on the back of the knee seam line, that thing was a pain.

    • Never painted the RG frame. Any tips on doing so the way that it wont damage the joints using airbrush?

    • @drAInbAmAgE: thanks! it was a pain to sand indeed due to the plastic being the soft type like ABS maybe.
      @Jaberwak: yes, i used airbrush to paint the frame. i made sure not to use lacquer paint as i was afraid it would melt the plastic they used for it. did a thin coat of primer to make sure the paint would stick better and just 2 coats of the color paint. also moved the joints after each coat (primer and color) to make sure it doesn’t stick and to get rid of excess paint just in case. i avoided spraying directly on them too and scraped off paint from pegs and holes where pieces go together, either the male or female part depending on which won’t be seen. added just enough clear coating for protection. i’m happy with the results. joints are a tad bit stiffer but not restricted. better to hold poses! just make sure you keep the gun or the part moving so paint doesn’t accumulate.

    • Good work but I think that the RG inner frame looks kinda weird because of how skinny it is.