
  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 9 years, 4 months ago

    Well, my X2 and X3 arrived today. I really am starting to get a few regrets about buying these. While the Crossbone itself is my favorite design in all of Gundam, the amount of stickers on this thing is daunting. I was originally planning on painting them, but my last paint project gave me so many troubles that I’m scared to look at the airbrush again. What do you guys think I should do?

    • I hear ya, sometimes these online exclusives need a ton of extra work. I’m kind of regretting what just arrived a half hour ago. My xmas present to myself showed up, but after seeing some of the reviews, i’m putting off touching it for a long time.

    • Hmmm, I say go ahead and paint them. You can’t really dwell on the mistakes of the past for too long. Eventually you’ll have to face them again. You don’t have to use the AB all the way too; Maybe leave some for handpainting so you can work on that skill. Even include some spray cans as a fall-back option.

      • Thanks, guys. If the Kampfer group build goes well, then I’ll consider painting them. If not, then I might just straight build them with stickers. Dlinker, last time I tried handpainting the Crossbone it was a disaster. I’d rather not try again on an exclusive kit, haha. I’ll save an SD for that.

        • I thought about that incident and I was going to blame the enamels you used, haha. Unless I’m remembering it wrong and you were using acrylics the entire time. Speaking of SDs, why not do a couple of those to get over your fears? Affordable, small, and you go straight to the exciting stuff quickly.

    • if you really want them to come out best then i would suggest what the others have said and save them for after you’ve logged in more hours with painting.

      • Hmm, thanks. I might try an SD some time. The only thing that turns me off on them is the amount of stickers. I will save the Crossbones for later. If I never get around to painting them I’ll sell them.

    • Wow, I’m sick for a few days and I’m so far behind. Congrats on the kits Boss and Squee, I’m slightly jealous. But I must say, after seeing a few reviews on that ReBawoo kit. I’m rather glad I didn’t buy it.

      Boss, I say you paint those kits. You know that they will be learning experience. And you’ll have plenty more after a few more kits under your belt.

      • Thanks. If painting the Kampfer doesn’t go well, then I’ll take that as a sign that I should hold off on airbrushing for a while.