

Display Name



United Kingdom

Youtube Channel


What is your favorite model kit?

MG Full Armour Unicorn

How did you get into your hobby?

Watching tons of anime and having an initial interest in robots (such as transformers and megazords) from and early age.

If you were a model kit, which kit would you be?

Ahhhhh! That's a tough one. Well… I really like the Unicorn and the way its shifts from unicorn to full gundam mode. It would be cool if instead of white it was red though; you know, the same sort of red like the shinanju uses. That would be awesome!

Which plastic model kit would you like to see in a 1:1 scale?

I know I really like the Unicorn Gundam design. But in this case, I would actually like to see the Sazabi in 1:1 scale. Its just so big ^^

Iron Man vs Batman who wins?

Iron Man

Gundam vs Macross who wins?


Tank vs Plane who wins?
