
  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 7 months ago

    Hi guys. Finally decided to start the X1. I assembled it almost half a year ago but finally found some time and energy to do it right (hopefully i set a max date to finish the kit to 7 september ^^)). So here what i did to the kit so far,
    Inner frame was painted with valleyo paints: usaf dark grey, gunmetal and polished gold (had some problems with this gold so arms were done with humbrol metalic gold enamel, which also didn’t turn out like i hoped).
    To be honest now that i look at the frame i should have used more gunmetal paint in more places, well it was my second time painting inner frame so now i know that you should plan more ahead thinking about the frame as a whole and not only about the parts.

    Ok now about the armor parts. They were done with Tamiya gloss paints: red, white (added a pinch of black to it) and yellow (covered it after with a thin layer of clear orange). Preshade was done using black and it almost turn into a catastophe. Had to do many layers of red to blend the colors. Luckly tamiya white covered the black rather well. needed only 3-4 layers. What needs to be fixed… My habbit of forgeting to spray some parts. I forgot to do preshade on the “blades” on the ankles. Now i need to figure out a easy way to fix it (dont want to dissasemble the ankles cause i fear the paint will scratch too much.). And some panel lines need to be fixed as well (did them today while watching syd build Hi-Nu).