
  • Luikus posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 6 months ago

    Actually, I´ve been away of the site for a while an fot Gunpla for that matter, bur reacently I´m trying to do a piece that I,ve always wanted and never saw made.
    What do you guys think of it ?
    • The white fading to green really goes well against the brown and gold. Very clean as well, what is this for?

    • It´s my puny attempt to recreate the Gale Boomerang of the Legend of Zelda the Twilight Princess. Some time ago there was a mini replica of the Master Sword and Hylian Shieldfrom target in the United States, I manage to get one, it´s like a 1/6 replica I tink, but there are no replicas of the other cool items from the game, so I decided to make my own 1/6 items for my sword and shield, that one is the second one item that i´ve made, the first was the bomb because it´s the easiest to make.

    • It’s looking great, very accurate to the one in game. What are you thinking of doing next? If undecided may I suggest a double claw shot? I think you’d do that one really well.

    • I’ll be doing that…eventualy, those are scary… right now i’m doing the ordon sword so it complements the master sword and shield that I bought.