
  • IPod posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 8 months ago

    aegis pieces. thought the whole ‘red’ thing for the arch rival/nemesis suit was getting a bit tired, sooo. . . metallic purple! was thinking along the lines of space leo paint scheme when i ran across this polycarbonate paint stuff. anything i’ve ever read about this stuff says “do not use on plastics. after testing it, i used it anyway; i think the color is far too awesome not to try it! noticed that the paint is very finicky, tho; if handled too much, the paint will start fading off the plastic; doesn’t seem to bond as well as normal paints (maybe thats what the warnings were about?). workn on putting my first topcoat down on the pieces i’ve painted so far, praying that it’ll solve the problem of handling the pieces too much. if it does, ohhhhhh man! just thinkn about it . . . . !
    (added a pic of the unpainted shield piece & beam effect part for reference against the new color)