
  • wldeyoung posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 12 months ago

    MG Zaku 2 F2 progress. Almost there just need to finish the head. Not to sure about the pose yet? Very happy with how the HGUC zaku 2 F2 is posed but not sure if it works so well with the MG. It may just be that the bazooka looks awkward or I just need to spice it up a bit but ill work with it some more once the head is done!
    • looks great so far, I see what you mean that just because a kit is old it doesn’t mean it’s not very good, I’ll have to get some older MGs myself soon :D.
      I think a pose where they’re holding the bazooka under the arm pointing forward may look nice.

    • Thanks yeah the manual and the box have some nice ideas on how to pose him or I may pop in the good old 0083 dads to get some ideas. Ill make sure the final images get posted so you all can see what I decided to do.