
  • Piolet231 posted an update in the group Group logo of CUSTOM GUNPLA!CUSTOM GUNPLA! 8 years, 11 months ago

    I wouldn’t mind trying to customize my first Gunpla model, my AGE-1 Normal. Any tips on what i could do or how to? Its an HG 1/144
    • I would suggest replacing any stickers you used with paint. Is this the first model you’ve built, or jsut your first gundam kit? If you’ve never done actual customizing out side of just paint, I would suggest easing into it by starting with things like the back packs from the Gundam build fighters. Buying some cheaper kits, and “kitbashing” them is good for practice. Google search customization tips, and watch videos and read up on it. Though customization is fun, it’s best to take it slow until you can really get the ideas in your head onto a kit.

    • You could switch the weapon with other sets or buy it from the Gundam Build Fighters series. Secondly , add some battle damage and weathering stuff by using he gundam weathering marker. Also for battle damage there are some easy to follow tutorials on youtube or other website.

      that’s all from me but if there are more I could give u more tips.

    • Oh yeah I forgot…. panel lines

      sorry btw