
  • gundamkhan posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years ago


    I have recently purchased strike gundam pg and have seen this awesome paint job someone has done.
    Can anybody give me some advise on achieving this finish , keeping in mind ill be using spray cans .
    I m not expecting it to be as good but i think it looks sooo good i would love to give it go.

    This is the Link;

    • I don’t really see a problem here if all you want is the finish, it’s a simple matte finish, however I suspect you’re after something more than just the finish. What I can see is that he used a silver on the inner frame, and seems to have colored the armor in sort of a real grade style, with two tones on the white, there’s probably some modifications as well to the kit but none really stood out too much to me from the brief look I gave it.

      anyways for the most part I think you can do this with spray cans just choose your colors and finish up with a matte topcoat.

      • Thank you very much for the reply!

        Yes it was more the colours used that i really liked . As i have only painted one or two kits i wasnt sure if they had simply painted the grey inner frame silver or done something tricky .Again thanks for taking the time to reply and if you have tips on painting my pg the would be much appreciated !

        • well I wouldn’t say they didn’t do anything tricky, just on the chance that they actually did, but for the most part it seems a rather straightforward build. one thing though is they do seem to be taking some time to paint at least a few details, like the blue on the hands, don’t have the kit myself but two colors on the back of the hand piece is pretty uncommon so I assume they masked that up and painted the blue on and a few other places I’m not sure if they’re separate pieces or if they did masking to paint a second color for that real grade effect I mentioned earlier.

          as for tips well if you’ve painted before there really isn’t anything different about a PG, so just the usual stuff to keep in mind, be careful with paint around moving parts as paint does add some thickness and can make things tight, and don’t rush things paint takes time to dry and cure and if you don’t let it cure it’s gonna give you trouble down the road.

          • Steve thanks again mate .
            After your encouragement im going to give it a go .I have yet to paint an inner frame i have previously only painted ext armour . With curing would you suggest waiting 1 day between coats or do all coats in one day then leave to cure before putting together? I dont usually do the inner frame because i was lead to believe spray cans leave a thick layer of paint which as you said can stop joint movement . I think i will try doing inner frame on a mg first . Thanks again for taking the time to reply !!

            • what I usually do is paint each layer let it dry (possibly not cure but atleast dry to the touch) do the next layer, and so on, till I want to do panel lines or add a second color, then I let it cure before moving on. as for the inner frame the layer isn’t that thick, there really isn’t a problem painting inner frames except right at the joints, like if there’s a big tube that you’re gonna attach a piece to so it can swing around it, like say a knee joint, then you’d want to mask that tube so it doesn’t get painted, and even if you paint a joint and it’s making things too hard to move just grab some sandpaper or your hobby knife and scrape away. Really don’t worry it’s not really all that hard and you don’t really need to even be all that careful scraping away the paint from joints if the paint gets on them.

              • Great ! I have always wanted to try taking my kits to the next level , but was stressed about “ruining ” them . Definitely going to give this ago so thanks again n i might post some pics if it comes up good !

                • think we all have those worries, but ofcourse if you don’t try you can’t succeed. and for the most part paint can be taken back off if need be so you don’t need to worry too much.

                  anyways good luck, have fun, and don’t get discouraged if things don’t turn out the way you want them right away.