
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 9 years, 2 months ago

    Well, I finished the DX last night. The shield looked rather awkward on the arm with the panels open, so I took it off. But tell me what you guys think.

    P.S. My next project will either be the Kampfer Amazing (depends on the forum)
    Or the HGUC Banshee Norn + 1/48 Banshee Head Display Base

    • That looks really good, I’m kinda drooling over here right now

    • Good work on this guy. The stickers for the big panels are nicely-done, despite being stickers. The grey areas on the feet, which look painted, are a little rough, though.

      • Stickers? Stickers! No stickers were used in the building of this kit. Every detail you see is painted.

        And if you’re referring to the great on the side of the legs, yeah I painted those. I didn’t take much care as I should have. I could have easily have masked it off, but I was lazy.

        • Haha, wow, fooled me. I thought they were stickers, although I should have spotted it since the stickers are a bit more reflective and plasticky.

          How’s the kit overall?