
  • Slater4u posted an update in the group Group logo of CUSTOM GUNPLA!CUSTOM GUNPLA! 9 years, 2 months ago

    So I finally Finished my kit bash. This kit bash was a combination of the Zaku F2000 and the Gelgoog Jäger. In addition to these two kits, I used parts from the Builder’s parts series(the 1/144th Spike set, the 1/100th Vernier set, and the 1/144th Zeon hand set), and parts from my box o’parts(the cannon bits are made from the hip beam cannons of a Superior Gundam, and the abdomen of the suit is from a Zaku 3). There were also many cosmetic parts made for this as well, such as the conduction cables on the waist, and next to the head.

    This kit itself is actually bigger now, then it was supposed to be because of the inclusion of the abdomen unit from the Zaku 3. Many parts on the suit have been reinforced for strength pruposes to make them less fragile, Either by filling their insides with putty, or by placing addition plastic over them. The barrel of the beam machine gun is entirely aluminum, and runs a good 2-3 inches. The barrels on both bits are aluminum as well, though they only run an inch in length. The conduction cable on the hip armor is made up of a possible wire threaded through aluminum tubing. the conduction cables next to the head are made with the same wire, but instead of the aluminum tubing, they’re covered in braided jacket that was left over from some kit a did a while back.

    Overall, I’m very happy with how it came out. I would like to add more decals to it in the future when I find a set that I really like. Also, I’ll be looking for a set of hands to use for it that will allow it hold non rifle type weapons lol, as the builder parts hands only have open palms, closed fists, and trigger finger hands.