
  • ChapelMkII posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hey guys! Busy holiday was so busy, I didn’t even realize that the forum was on the fritz again, lol! Given the format of this board, I’ll keep it brief, but I wanted to share some updates on the Strike-E and recent acquisitions 😀

    The winter season is quickly becoming the winter of 0080. Picked up the HGUC Hy-Gogg and GM Sniper II, and the Zaku II Kai, Kampfer Amazing, and GM Sniper K9 are all on pre-order. Basic construction on the Hy-Gogg and Sniper are complete, and right now I’m just cleaning up the burs and preparing to disassemble for painting.

    As for the Strike-E: the mask crisis is now over. I smoothed out all the rough edges on the new mask and repainted using the dunkenblau, which helped a lot to properly shape the face. The eye color issue has been resolved thanks to a recent re-viewing of Gundam 00, and I’ve turned my attention to the skirt plates. Thankfully, the shape of the front skirt plates works with my changes, so I won’t be modifying those, but the back plate has been shortened up, as was the hip plate.

    • Nice to see the Strike-E is moving forward properly now. Curious to see what you got lined up for the GM Sniper. You got yourself a healthy set of kits to look forward to, also. Only thing I got is the Kampfer Amazing, haha.

      • Thanks, D! I appreciate the interest in the Sniper, but I might wind up disappointing with that one, especially with the K9 so close to release. I’m incredibly torn since I love the stock colors so much, so I might not deviate from the course all that much. The Hy-Gogg’s a bit more ambitious. I wasn’t happy with how the pontoons were constructed, so I want to overhaul the design of those, and I’ve got some fun planned for the paintjob on that one. Think of it as, “what if Cyclops squad was more overt with the personalization of their units”. 😀

        • Haha, yeah, the K9 might steal the show from Sniper II. Nothing wrong with minor changes to the stock colors. I would have done the same thing to the one I’m working on. Your plans for the Hy-Gogg sound very interesting. Looking forward to the paint job and the mod work.

          • Funny enough, about an hour after saying I couldn’t decide on a color scheme for the Sniper II, the perfect inspiration struck. Gonna go with a Patlabor-esque police homage.

    • Nice kits. I want to get the GM Sniper II and Zaku kai at some point in the future. The hy-gogg has like a million seam lines. Hope you deal with them better than I did.

      • I was so stoked to get the Hy-Gogg, but the seam lines are a real letdown. I don’t much like the idea of having to choose between losing the submersible mode or not because of the hands, and the way the shoulder pads were designed just baffles me. Here’s to hoping Build Fighters paves the way for a Master Grade version that does this unit some proper justice.

        • Phew, glad that fiasco with the Strike is over. The Hy-Gogg is a wondrous design. Shame about all those seamlines.

    • Glad to hear that you were able to work everything out on the Strike-E. Progress is looking really good.

      And the Hy-Gogg and GM Sniper project sound really interesting. Can’t wait to them. Especially the Hy-Gogg, I rather like that design.