
  • wwh0628 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 4 months ago

    WIP 9 (Final): Some last minute efforts before final submission. Decals are done, using water slide decals included in the ver 3.0 Custom set. I decided to only use the standard weapons from the main package. Leaving out the hammer, javelin and extra bazooka. I also decided to finish my kit with clear (gloss) TS-13 instead of flat clear. Somehow, this glossy finish is growing on me everytime I look on the kit. πŸ™‚ So it left with two coats of gloss paint before and after the decals. A bit of weathering master also added before the final coat.

    Another thing to report here is that I have two of my polycaps on the foot cracked! The reason is I drowned my kit in a soapy water overnight. I thought it was a good idea to clean up excess lining and weathering while also clean up the kit from dirt and dust. But apparently it is not! So I have to build up my β€˜beginner courage’ to fix these things relying on some Youtube videos on how to fix broken joints. I attach new polycaps and ball joints from Wave BJ-05. These are smaller than the original so a bit weaker. Because of that, I gave a layer of super glue on the ball joints to add some strengths. After struggling, the result is ok and I’m happy with it although one of the ball joint made an angle. Luckily it is not noticable from the outside. πŸ˜€

    So I guess this is it. It has been a long journey with a lot of learning process. But the most important is, it was FUN! πŸ˜€ Now I’m looking forward for my next (third) MG Sazabi ver ka that should be arrived in a couple of days from now.

    Good luck everyone and happy new year! πŸ˜€

    • Interesting that the polycaps cracked. Never would have thought a soapy water bath will have that kind of effect.

      Regardless, you have one beautiful kit there. You did the original Gundam justice.

      • Thanks for the praise. Being the original, this kit does deserves special treatment. πŸ™‚

        At first, I also didn’t thought of a chance for polycaps cracking. But I couldn’t find any other explanation. Maybe it is more about the type of the soap. I used liquid soap for dish washing. Maybe it is a bit too strong for polycaps.. but I’m not sure. Well, better to be more careful next time.

        By the way, your Turn-A Gundam is awesome! πŸ˜€

        • Yeah, maybe keep the polycaps off when doing the soapy wash just as a precaution. You bounced back from it, though, and enjoyed the process so that’s a big plus, haha.

          Thanks for the compliment on my Turn A. I doubt I’ll win; Lots of good stuff coming out of everyone in this group. You might get a better chance, assuming you and I don’t get bumped up. Really nice to see the effort that people are putting into the basics.

          • Yeah, it was really suck when I found the cracks. The joints can’t hold so the kit can’t stand at all. πŸ˜€ I just hope I wouldn’t be bumped up because of the fixes. LOL. Although with this experience, I can imagine now how to customize a model by adding extra joints. πŸ˜€

            It is indeed nice that everyone is doing their best with all the basic techniques they can pulled off. I also doubt that I have a chance to win. But I’ve done the best I can. We’ll see.

    • I like the weathering. It looks it’s been exposed too much in space. You must be proud of your model

      • Thanks. Yes, it starts to get tired from excessive battle. Indeed a model that I can be proud of. πŸ˜€