
  • Shalmenesar posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 2 months ago

    Final post for submission.

    The Destroid Tomahawk has been built as a BattleTech Warhammer IIC from Clan Jade Falcon. BattleTech basically used the same animation from Macross but the weapons load out, size and tonnage were changed. I’ve put on decals from the Falcon Guards (Fighting Piranha Graphics) and changed the mechs configuration to be Dual ER PPC, 6 ER Medium Lasers and 4 Jump Jets. Its basically how I would customise them back in the old Mechwarrior PC games.

    I really don’t expect to be in the running but it was great to get prompted to do a build I really wanted to do. I think the first thing I thought after seeing Gundam the first time is “do they do BattleTech” and in a round about way you can.

    Anyway good luck everyone.

    • Also the Missiles on the shoulder are Streak SRM 6’s. The rockets in the central torso don’t fit the BattleTech theme so I removed them.

    • Great work! And awesome model choice!
      Didn’t expected to find a Jade Falcon’s mech here.