
  • MrShinobi posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 3 months ago

    I got this part that I want to replicate at least 2 times, and I have silicone rubber liquid that goes into a mold and I also have Epoxy putty. My question is i’m not too sure which one I should use and if I do, how should I split it. I’m thinking just evenly straight down the middle, or through the middle of the body. Any help is appreciated thanks!

    2013-11-21 16.30.13
    • given that part, a simple 2 part mold down the middle would give you, your best castings. far as mold making, google 2 part mold and I’m sure you’ll find something more eleoquant then i

      • Hi Fox thanks for the response, I have searched up on google and seen people do both, so I just can’t decide whether to do silicone rubber or epoxy putty instead.

        • now all i’m about to say is imho.

          if theres alot a fine details you want copied &/or you want to make alot of copies, use the rtv rubber. else use the putty.

          the putty is good for casting a few copies of the same shape, with major details. never could get it to pick up fine details.

          • Hi Fox, got it I’ll go with the rubber than. Just a quick question, when you said middle, you meant like right through the middle so it would be like split evenly so the split line would be the one almost horizontal to the picture I provided?

            • well, obviously, use your own best judgment, but given that shape, you have 2 options. split it down lenthwise so the seam runs down the ‘top’ side (top being the face you show in the image), or

              2. you can try to mold it so the seam is along the side.

              option 2 will be tricker as you won’t have a flat mold. if you need more specifics just private message me.