
  • Fortaleza.Gundam posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hello, people! This is my first competition and my first Mg, so I decided to start with the famous big daddy 1/100 MG RX 78-2 One Year War (animation color ver.). Since I only have builded HGs and one 1/100 NG, this guy looks awesome! The reviews I saw about it were fantastic. Originally the colors are strange (since they are based in the ps2 game), but this one is the animation color ver., so the colors are okay.

    My first impressions are that I’m gonna paint gundamblack the guns and backpack and that I will paint gold or silver the pistons of the innerframe. Talking about innerframe, it’s awesome! I never got a innerframe in my hands, so just seying it in the runners alread make me shake! Can’t wait to build it 🙂

    • lindíssimo kit!

      • Aewwww Mais um brasileiro. Ei, vou ficar de olho na sua montagem. Já dei uma olhada nesse kit e sempre tive dúvidas sobre comprar ou não… agora vou poder decidir com a sua montagem! Vamos lá, e boa sorte!

    • I’ve got this kit. It’s great fun to build and is easy. Good luck and enjoy building it.

    • Nice, more RX-78-2 can only means good thing.

    • Bom saber que há amis brasileiros 🙂 fico feliz em saber que tem alguns de nós aqui pra mostrar do que somos capazes. e crysalles, tenho minhas impressões de que acho q sei quem vc é 😛 And to the ones that can’t read portuguese, thanks for the support. I already raked one of the preassembled legs from the runner and that s fabolous. the enginerring of each hidraulic is good. I will use the 1/144 RG as base to paint the pistons. and definetly will paint the guns and backpack. that gray-purble color is totally diferrent from the original RX 78-2 gundammetal color

      • Opa! É mesmo? De onde? Bem, já montei um RX OYW e posso dizer que o kit é muito bom, um dos meus favoritos! Você vai gostar de montá-lo! Sim, tem outros brasileiros por aqui também, já achei uns 6 se não me engano….

        Good luck with your gundam!