
  • wwh0628 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    WIP 7: Hi all, progress has been slow.. really slow.. However, at least I manage to finish the arms and feet. The beam saber now attached to the backpack. 🙂


    • That gunmetal looks very sharp indeed. I don’t think the weathering fits in with the kit though. I think you should add a little more on the torso and head, otherwise the grime will look out of place.

      • Hi, yes you’re right. I haven’t apply that much weathering. I was only finished this last night and throw them here for update. Thanks to point out the places that need more weathering.

    • Hmm, it took me a while to see if there even was weathering on this. I thought it was just minor smudging due to panel line work. Looks like nice progress overall. Any friction with the frame and its paint job?

      • Thanks. I indeed apply some weathering on this kit. But not yet to its full extent. The gunmetal paint on the frames were relatively thin. So I didn’t found too many frictions. I used spray paint and apply it several times of thin layers. It will be fine as long as it is not overdone.