
  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 4 months ago

    Today was probably the last day with good weather here for a little bit, so I flat coated all of the finished limbs. Here it is so far. I still have to decide wether I should paint the eyes or not, and then I’ll have it done. I love the way the foil stickers look, though. The paint that I ordered still has to arrive. It might come tomorrow. To say that I’m happy with the way things are turning out is an understatement. Are the pictures of higher resolution then last time?

    • Looks really great with the flat coat. What brand did you use, and did you apply a gloss coat first?

      • Thank you. I used Mr. Hobby Topcoat, since I don’t have an airbrush (yet). I did not apply a gloss coat first. I see it as a waste of money, and it even makes the flat coat less, well, flat. The flat coat is honestly durable enough to suit my needs for protecting the paint, if that’s what you’re wondering. One of my limbs (on a different build) took a plunge from four feet onto a hard, stone floor, and it stood up fine.

    • Oooh, the grey trims look really good when put together. Almost seems like those areas have more armor on them than the white parts, haha. Pictures seem to be higher res, yes. They look great on my laptop screen and I’m running 1980 x 1050.