
  • Outamyhead posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 5 months ago

    Started assembly of HG Wing Gundam, noticed thigh pieces didn’t match on tone, so I had to re spray those parts and one of the legs, some small detail to be fixed on the leg and then back to assembly.

    • Man, this thing is looking awesome. Masking looks great and the resulting paint job is very good. Honestly, that’s not the work of a beginner. A great example of what proper basics can do.

      • Thanks for the positive comments Dlinker, I guess it’s a case of under estimating myself, and only being my third mobile suit involving paint of any kind, didn’t think I would belong in anything above beginner entry level.

        • I’d say this is borderline Intermediate, but one can argue it belongs here because it doesn’t involve something like weathering, pre-shading, and possibly seamline removal. Either way, keep up the quality you’re setting now. Good stuff.

    • That is awesome. Are you painting the entire kit? If so, Ryan will consider it intermediate. Not sure about the other judges, though.