
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 5 months ago

    HG AGE-2 “Black Blade”

    WiP #2:

    I’ve gotten most of the frame work painted up and detailed. I panel lined the joints in the legs and added some bronze details. I think it’s turning out pretty good thus far.

    I also painted up the gold parts last night. They will get a clear coat tonight. The parts on the chest will need to be taped off and hit with some gray for some color separation. I’ll post another update when I have one.

    Frame Work
    • Are you using your AB finally on these parts? Or still stuck with spray cans?

      • So far I’ve been using what cans I have left to use them up and get rid of them. However once the armor is started, it’ll be all airbrush. I’ve got my Tamiya paint ready for thinning. And I also was able to pick some Alclad stuff to try out.

        • Ahh, got ya. Can’t wait to see it. Alclad stuff is great, although the hi-shine paints can be difficult.