
  • Bossguy posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 5 months ago

    I got the AGE-1 Normal today. I have an idea for this. Let’s hope it doesn’t end up like the Crossbone.

    • Hope it works out for you this time. Don’t stress it and have fun with it and it will turn out just fine. Also don’t worry about what others are doing just do what is you and you will be fine.

      • Thanks, man. My confidence in myself has dwindled after that last failure. I forgot how fun this hobby was, though. Good to be back.

        • Looking forward to the completed build. The AGE-1 Normal is one of my favorite Gundams.

        • Yeah, everyone will seriously frown upon you if you give up on this one. Haha, just kidding. Relax and put yourself in a bubble when working on this kit. It’s yours to complete and pimp out so have at it.

    • Hope this one turns out the way you want it man. These guys have given good advice. Just take your time and focus on what you want to achieve. And you’ll be happy with the results.

    • Very nice choice of kit mate. I read on Gaijin-Gunpla blog and this kit receives high scores. So, I’m looking forward to see the result. Good luck mate and have fun!