
  • Andrew Waltfeld posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 5 months ago

    Got bored today and just was not in the mood to finish panel lining my Liger Zero so I gave a go at battle damage/weathering. I used a shield from a 1/100 Destiny that I’ll be using mostly for parts for future projects. This is my first ever attempt at battle damage and weathering. I did this all with a dremel, hand drill, and a Tamiya weathering pack…I didn’t bother painting this so that takes away from the quality but oh well. It’s no where near how I want it to be but I’m happy with my first go round. I haven’t top coated it yet so it’ll hopefully have a different appearance then.

    • Not bad at all. Looks really good.I have been waiting until i get a really cheap kit or one that gets messed up for before i start to play with that. For your first go that is sweet.