
  • Benjamin posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    Hey FiftyEight, here, as i promise, is my Z-gok char´s bla bla bla versión.

    When i bought it i only know of him for the pics “yai gundam with one eye (not zaku :D) and claws, and bloody red 😀 cheers!!! so i bought it and when i saw the plastic color parts….dah…..well they were orange red and Barbie pink…….i´ve never repainted a model, i dont use spray paint or any machine, but this model….i did not like the color of the plastic, so i did something (that i dont know is the technich exist but i made it myself) (if it exist well…..good for the one that invent it, becouse i never have saw it lol)

    So first i used sand paper on all the pieces, to make a mess of them, then on the arms and leg joint i first painted silver (with brush) and then (after dry) i apply very liquid black paint (also with brush).

    on the Barbie parts, i apply ink on them (with brush) after dry, i put them on wáter, so i lower a layer of ink, given them that final color, that is where the mess a sand paper comes, when you use iyt you make scratches on the model, so the ink or paint get inside, so at the end even if you user your nail, it wont get off.

    on the claws, i only apply very liquid black paint, but….with my FINGER, yep fingers, why not brush? becouse i need to rub the pieces, for the liquid get in and not cover certain parts.

    and with all the red parts, i first painted them with red (brush) and then use black ink with wáter applied with the fingers again, and after dry, i put them on wáter to lower down on layer, and use fingers to rub them, on some parts i apply liquid black paint (finger work again). and after all that, use matt barnish, the only decal i use (of the 2 that come lol) is the one for the eye.

    So i´ve done this kind of “technic” for warhammer models long ago, but never for gundam, and i really like how it ended, now it´s not that í´m going to do it from today to every model, i know this Works better with models of big pieces (for the sand paper apply) and less colors, zgok was only 2 colors, so no trouble with that. so, work done, and as i promised here are the pics. See ya ._______.V

    • This looks absolutely awesome. I really like that shade of color, give it a more retro look than the flashy Char’s pink. I wish I could get your level haha. If you enter this, will it count as Beginner or Intermediate? I’m just going to stick with the OOB colors and some decals. Maybe I’ll do something more for my second kit (if I ever do one). Anyway, good job man. *thumbs up*

      • If i enter this? From the start i said to myself “i enter with SD 00 Raiser and that’ it” but if you ask that “what would happened if i’ve entered with this kit?” Well as far as i know repainting a kit is not an intermediate level nor a beginner, i dont sand the lines “so i’m beginner?” But i repaint it “so i’m intermediate?” The option of “repaint the model” should be for both levels, there are many that dont feel that they are intermediate but want to repaint. At the end i will never know my level sometimes i can work OK, other times GREAT, etc, depends on each of us ._____.V

        • You also did a great job on that SD 00 Raiser. It looks like it has been airbrushed, but you just hand brushed it. Talking about the rules for the different level, I can say they are unclear.