
  • GhosT Quanta posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 7 months ago

    anyone has any experience with Vallejo model colour paints?
    I’m interested in the Model Colour Professional Quality Paint Set on hlj
    to get started on a bit of hand painting. anyone else ever used these? if so what do you think about them? I read that you can just thin them with regular water. in what ratio should I thin it and should I best use a primer on the parts beforehand?
    I know it’s a lot of questions so any answer is appreciated 🙂

    • Primer is always best to start with. I use the vallejo range for hand painting and i use their model air range for airbrushing and they are awesome. Thinning down will most likely be a personal preference for most people as it can depend on the effect and/or result you are after. just experiment and see how you go, tho i do find that even the smallest amount of can go a long way 🙂

      • thanks for the info man 🙂 to bad I can’t get any primers like Tamiya or mr. color and such here 🙁

        • if you cant get your hands on the sprays, try airbrushing. vallejo sell a grey primer for the model air range and its pretty good. starting out with airbrushing can be pricey but in the long run its better, i’m not great but its really fun doing it. and its not to hard to learn how.

          • I was planning to get an airbrush set after I started a bit of handpainting. but since they are indeed expensive in the beginning I’m first gonna save some money and maybe next year try to get an airbrush and a compressor. I was thinking of this one
            .3mm Dual Act Airbrush 7cc Cup W/ ABD TC-20T Tank Compressor
            But thanks I’ll definitely try out the Vallejo model air range if I get around buying an airbrush 🙂

    • If you have a Games Workshop near you, they do spray paint, used to be just black and white but there is a small selectuon of colours now, and they make a spray matt top coat called purity seal.
      You can never thin your paints too much! You can always paint more layers. Also if you can afford too, use a paint medium rather than water to thin your paints. Your basically using a pigmentless paint to thin the pigment. Vallejo make both standard and metallic medium, you will get better results than just using water.
      Make sure to thourghly clean your brushes between colours, I use 4 different water pots to clean mine in lol also if you can afford to use a mineral water rather than tap water, as they is less junk in it to effect your paint.
      P.s. I am no pro painter by any means, just some tips I have picked up from some I know.

      • thanks for al the info man 🙂 to bad there aren’t any game workshop or any
        model building shops around where I live so I have to order everything online 🙁
        well maybe I can still find some mineral water somewhere xD

        • Np. Tip to priming with just the acrylic paint, thin it down to about 1:5 (paint/whatever you’re thinning with) should give a translucent coat almost a wash. Do 3/4 layers like this will spread the pigment evenly, giving a smoother finish. Again time consuming as you have to let each layer dry. thoroughly, but much better than just plonking on 1 big coat!
          As bloodnut38 says alor of it is down to personnel preference, so do tests beforehand to see what works for you 🙂

    • P.p.s. Use different brushes and water pots for normal paint and metallic paint, to prevent cross contamination.
      This has happened to me arrgh 🙁
      Hand painting can be a lengthy process to get really good results, bur very satisfying 🙂