
  • thwalker13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gundam Forums Gundam Forums 9 years, 7 months ago

    I posted this on the forum, but I’ll post it here as well.

    I’m going to pre-order the RG Strike Freedom here soon. But should I also pre-order the P-Online effect parts? What do you guys think?

    • I replied to your post on the forum so I’ll condense what I posted here: If you really love the design and can afford making the RG kit cost as much as an MG kit (maybe a bit more), then purchase away. Perhaps you can compare it to the MG version you already have too, see which one is cooler.

    • I just that post. Thanks for the help man. I’ve decided that I probably don’t need the effect parts. So I’ll probably go ahead and pre-order the RG some time here soon.