
  • Ger Goud posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 7 months ago

    *Has his question answered on gunpla tv, has his name mispronounced once again. After 34 years considers changing his name forever whilst cursing his parents.*

    Thanks for answering my question guys, guess it’s time to give the old krylon a shot and hope for something awesome. I’ve since done a load of interwebz searching and am confident that krylon may be the answer I’m looking for in lieu of the mr. products or tamiya.

    • I hope I catch you before the Krylon bit. I did this with a Zeta before and it melted the tree when testing! There are spray model enamels out there, most of them you can get at walmart now if you are in the states. most are affordable! Please don’t waste your kit!