
  • Benjamin posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    Sooo everybody knows the rule “bigger better”, so in terms of Gundam Model Kits, when you build a HG 1/100 and MG is more easy to paint or panel line than a small scale 1/144 or SD, i know that MG models look great even if you dont do nothing to them becouse is just the model itself that catch the view of people.

    So iΒ΄m entering the contest with sn SD kit πŸ˜€ the 00 RAISER (00 gundam + O raiser), why D:? becouse itΒ΄s also a challenge paint and make this kits look good, just imagine (for the ones that dont know) that in you manual you see the picture of your MG xxx and has his arm with colors like Green, blue, red and White, so all those colors (almos 3 of 4) came in a colored sprue yai :D!!

    But in the SD…..dark times came, so when you look at the same MG model but on SD…you dont see those colors…..just…..2 pieces for the arm….and both…….ON WHITE XD. (worst when the sword is gold and red and cames black lol).

    but that is part of the fun (hate) of the SD kits, so here is my pic of the box, and also a action base (i think i will reduce it, why? well i think it will look to big (look photo 2)) and 2 more pics, 1 of my SD collection, and the other of the MG i have, i used to have some HG 1/100 but i sold them, also if you see holes on the glass shelf is becouse i have more kits to build and fill that space .___.v

    • Interesting choice. I look forward to seeing how it goes!

    • In the bottom photo is that the Strike freedom?

      • Ah no is the MG gundam freedom (he comes with that stand)

        • Ah awesome, I couldnt tell!:) i was just wondering as I’m building the MG Strike Freedom for the competition! How did you find the normal freedom? If you don’t mind πŸ™‚

          • How did i find it? I bought it from internet was the 1 MG i build so if you compare him to the other 2 he has less detail (still have MG buster in box) i have freedom in MG, SD and RG. Dont like strike becouse of the gold (and he dont have shoulder cannons buu) but i will love to build PG strike freedom for his wing gimmick. I also heard the MG strike has problems with the clear stands for the burst mode (or that was the MG full burts?) Oh all the pilots inside of my MG are painted πŸ˜€

            • Oh cool yeah I might hold did you find the build of it! Yeah withy he full burst mode of the strike the clear stuff is crap apparently… But I didn’t get that… I also fix the dull gold so far with painting it shinny gold.. Looks a lot better! The reason I want to know… Is because I’m looking into getting the infinite justice and freedom for my next MG’s after I finish the strike! πŸ™‚

              • Well this freedom is old so you will need to paint more (speceally black) and all the pacpack need yellow red and grey i think. Hmm justice is good but never like the pink combo. What i was very happy to know is that they make MG of blitz, buster and duel (this last one has more pieces) i think this month they will sale a new strike rouge with missiles and bazzoka lol it looks like a valkyrie, strike noir MG is good too. Check this page is from korea i think. Is the best page i have found they dont talk/write but has tons of photos of model, pieces, boxes, manuals, etc from different series in categories and scales

              • Hey @Oli8all, I’ve built both the mg strike freedom fbm and the mg infinite justice. Actually the strike freedom and infinite justice were the very first & second kit I ever built and it was easy enough.

                • Hi @omaikane, awesome I’m am build the strike at the moment for the Beginners Competition! And plan to get the infinite justice next! So it’s cool to know you liked building them πŸ™‚

    • I also have an SD 00 Raiser still in the box (for future build, too little time to build πŸ™ ). Good luck on your build!