
  • Ger Goud posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla Funny PictureGunpla Funny Picture 9 years, 8 months ago

    I was just watching Mobile Suit Gundam The 8th. I was amazed at how easily the Gouf in it dispatched Tanks but then I looked at it and smacked my forehead. They’re called tanks but have the weakest cockpit of any gundam I’ve seen.

    • I just saw this kit in my local hobby shop recently. I wanted to build older kits but that cockpit put me off. hehee I havent seen the original series but what you said makes perfect sense!

      • If only they gave Guntank a remodel. I would remove the head and give it a TGM-79C GM Canard head. Well, it ain’t a head but its definitely putting the cockpit somewhere safer!