
  • GN posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 6 months ago

    I’m having bother with my various pigment ink fine liners that I use for panel lines just stopping working when there’s still tonnes of ink left in them. They work fine on paper, or on the plastic, so it’s only when they’re marking on top of paint that there’s an issue. At first I thought it was when they go on top of Future Finish, but it seems to be an issue on top of my acrylic paints, and on the Alclad satin varnish too. The only pen that continues to “work” on paint is the Rapidograph and that’s in for repair and even that clogs easily.

    Any ideas?

    • Have you tried thinning down acrylic paints and using the capalary action technique? I noticed it isn’t pretty hard to get some pens to write evenly, if at all, on top of dried acyrlic paint

      • Yes, I’ve done thinned black washes before, but I’ve avoided them recently because of the mess and because of the ease of using a pen. I may have to go back to that technique though, maybe combined with the Rapidograph when it comes back from repair.

    • I’ve noticed this too when I’m rushing things. I can only assume the same thing is happening to you so here goes. You’re likely trying to panel line too soon and the paint isn’t fully cured so what’s happening instead of the lining going down the paint is coming up.

      Also you should note that gloss paints resist taking up additional pigment as it has very few if any pores whereas paper is very porous and easily takes paints inks and anything else.

      • Well that’s what I thought, that the pen ink is taking up the paint and that’s clogging up the tip. It makes some kind of sense.

        Anyway, dug out the oil paints and thinner, and did a panel line wash and that worked well.