
  • Daniel posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 8 months ago

    Mandatory WIP. Just in case I decide to enter with this kit.
    This is as much of it I’ll show at this time. Photos of the finished kit will be shown after the contest is over.

    • i see you painted the cow … nice choice of gundam btw .

      • It’s a model I had sitting around for a while. Together with a few more I’ll tuck in this little competition we’re having here, with one that I still need to pick that would be heavily customized. At the end, I’ll have to pick something. The cow, I always paint my miniatures. Photo of it is there just to fill my quota of photos needed to have in order to compete with a certain model. As for the model I’ve picked, this being the Turn A, it’s a pretty mellow kit. People tend to either like it or dislike it. There’s no real WOW effect with this guy so he’s just a support kit, just in case others fail. 🙂