
  • Ronin posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 6 months ago

    I have 2 questions.

    1. Will i be bumped to advance without using an airbrush? Here’s my plan. I’m going to kitbash MG Sinanju + HG Kashatriya + 2x 1/100 Buster Gundams. I will be using non-hobby sprays, hand brushes and gundam markers. I will be panel scribing and gluing together some parts everywhere.

    Here’s my Photoshop concept of the build

    2. Can i use some parts that i have lying around from my other kits or am i restricted to using parts from the kits i will be kitbashing?

    • i think you can use whatever u like with a kit bash. cool concept by the way 🙂

      • I think the use of spray cans would be considered level with using an airbrush. If your worried about being shifted up, i think they’ll inspect the completed product and judge from there whether it surpasses the intermediate level or not. But best of luck on your kitbash

        • i’ll keep that in mind. And you’re right, the spray cans are about the same deal with an airbrush, just less detail control.

    • From what I saw on the youtube video about this competition is that Ryan and Syd will have the ability to move people into their correct category as they see fit (if necessary). I’d say post it here, and see if you’ll get bumped up to the advanced category

    • Nice idea. I really am looking forward to you kit.