
  • Fox williamson posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 7 months ago


    Have and issue. I can’t pos images, I use the uploda media button, go through it all, but the images never post. either in profile or groups

    also i tried using the “contact us” form and got a giant “can’t do it, contact the admin some other way”

    • Are you still having the same problem? What browser and operating system are you using? Can you also email, explaining the problem and what system specs you have.

      • @ryan. Seems it was a one day deal, as now it seems to be working, well the photo bit. must of been a server hicup or something. but for the record, Win XP, Firefox latest, and on a 5 maybe 6 year old acer netbook.