
  • JXTRGunpla747 posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 8 months ago

    my tips when building a gunpla model:

    Step 1:
    make sure your work table is well-lighted and you can see everything on it.

    Step 2:
    Check your floors, make sure they are now dark (don’t wanna lose black parts now do we?), make sure your floor is not in wooden planks (they are the line-shaped black holes), and make sure your floor is not carpeted (they are like the ELS, once something is infected by it’s grey skin, it’s gone forever)

    Step 3:
    Tools: A good par of side cutters (i use wire cutters), a hobby knife (or an art knife or a very small cutter), and some coloring pens/gundam markers, and a .05 pen or get yourself a panel line pen.

    Step 4: Cut as far away from the piece as possible, leaving a small amount of the gate still on it. If the Gate’s too short, cut off the fat connector and just trim it down to size (still leaving a little piece of the gate on the piece).

    Step 5: Use your cutter/hobby knife/design knife to take out those excess gates and smooth out the part, use the gundam markers/coloring pens for the discoloration.

    Step 5(Optional): file the nubs down then apply the gundam markers/C.P’s

    Step 6: Panel lining
    White piece: use a gray panel liner (i use a pencil)
    dark-colored piece: use the black panel liner
    Red/Gold: use the Brown panel liner.

    Step 7: finish the rest of the assembly applying steps 1-6.

    Step 8: Celebrate with a glass of water, some snacks, or take a rest.