
  • Steven posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 7 months ago

    @Syd & Ryan Amazing show as always guys been watching sins episode 5 or so and Iā€™m still looking forward to each and every episode šŸ™‚

    @Syd Iā€™m planning to customise a PG Red Frame one of these days do you have any tips for removing the gold coating leaving the silver/chrome behind ?

    @Ryan your GPO1 looks awesome man. šŸ˜€
    Iā€™m still wondering what happened to the final result of your Falcon šŸ˜‰

    Maybe one for the idea box of,
    being able to edit your own posts/comments instead of having to delete en repost (as I had to do with this one :P)

    • The Falcon will get done, one day šŸ™‚ At this time the software we use does not offer the ability to edit, we hope that in one of the software updates they might offer it, but not sure when.

    • If you use paint thinner diluted with water you should be able to remove the clear yellow/orange (which is what the cold usually is) leaving the silver behind. To test the mix it’s a good idea to use a piece of the gold sprue and see the result before dropping in your part.