
  • Ryan Gunpla TV posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 9 months ago

    The latest episode of Gunpla TV is up, enjoy!

    Have you built the PGs we showed off, which is your favourite?

    • Definitely the PG Red Frame… I love it and like @Syd, I love swords and love the katana Gerbera Straight!

      • It’s not a katana, it’s a tachi. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • Now I know why it is worn by the Red Frame with the cutting edge down and has the ashi (hanger) because its a tachi while katana is worn with the cutting edge up and does not have the ashi. I think Syd has done his homework. lol! Thanks @syd

        • Thanks for the explanation, @Syd! I know there are many classifications of Japanese swords… I just generally refer to them as katana (long) and tantล (short)… so thanks for the clarification. My collection of replica swords are mainly fantasy swords, medieval swords and movie swords… only one katana from anime Bleach. ๐Ÿ˜› Must read up more on Japanese swords.

          • Tanto refer more to knives though some can be pretty big. Wakizashi is the term used for the shorter of the two swords generally worn by Samurai.

    • I’ve never touched a PG and probably never will. Nothing against them from a design stand point, Bandai did one hell of a job engineering them. But they are not very cost effective for me, plus most of the suits I like will never be made in PG. If I had to pick between the 2 I’d go with the GP01. But my personal favorite is the Gundam Mk. II A.E.U.G version.

      Another great episode gentlemen, can’t wait to see the Geara Doga next week. I’m debating on getting an HG version in lieu of the release.

    • I really don’t know ….
      Red frame for the colors, the frame and the awesome katana!
      GP01 for the two versions/removal-moving parts, the cage and diorama feeling you can make with it.
      Actually I like both.