
  • USB Desk posted an update in the group Group logo of Advanced Modeler - Modeling Competition 2017Advanced Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 5 years, 11 months ago

    Since I couldn’t paint tonight again, I went ahead and did some more base work. This time I’m adding the texture coat. To do this I took some dried dirt from outside and nuked it in the microwave to kill off any nasty bacteria that might be lurking in it.

    Then I mixed it with water and white elmers glue (I actually used a little too much water really) and spread the goop onto the base and let it dry. The little stones and unevenly ground up dirt granules leave it with a nice earthy texture. After this I can go over it with primer and paint it up with some nice drybrushed layers of oranges and browns for that ibo martian soil look. As it dries it will also level off a little more.

    This is going to be more of a vignette style base than an actual diorama that tells a story. I just wanted something fitting to put the Gundam and MW on. I did something very similar for a 1/144 barbatos base about a year and a half ago.

    • He he I do the same thing, a good material to use I found out is also venus fly trap compost it has a fine mixture of sand and earth and goes well with smaller scale dios.

      Now I want chocolate cake. 😉