
  • Peter posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 10 months ago

    Hello! new and new to building! just arrived home a little week ago from Japan. Had to stop by Yodabashi Camera in the Akihabara district! gotta love that place.

    Pick up a few things and trying to learn building gunplas and armored vehicles.
    Please try not to laugh at my nobbish builds. I order a few things to start on airbrushing.

    • Looks great! Keep up the good work. Btw what show are these kits from?

    • Welcome Peter!! Noobish? No way, they look good! @Superxvegito, these are from Spaceship Yamato

    • Welcome to the family 🙂

    • Hay man I’m a noob to all of this too, it’s all about what you get out of a hobby that matters . Nice work so far mate.

    • It’s a matter of perspective as to what you think a noob is. The original meaning would be a newb-noob, short for a newbie, someone that’s new at something. Nowadays people calling someone a noob would mean “You’re clueless to the point where you can’t tell a difference between a head and a leg.” But even though people do catch on pretty quickly, like you did because your ships look amazingly well done! Do you plan on expanding that fleet? I’ve heard Yamato themed ships come in large numbers! Looking forward to seeing more in the future. 🙂