
  • TobySan posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 6 years, 1 month ago

    Still on the “Blazing Shadow” special forces look – here it looks more green than the smokier colour before…I kinda like the more subtle first one but will be using rattle cans so colour choice is not infinite
    • The 3-D drop shadow on the shoulder emblem is pwefect

    • the green is nice too. I love subtle colors. Although i do prefer the rusty color of the previous one cuz i feel the green color scheme is much more popular

    • word – the rusty/smokey/coffee one does look that bit cooler in my eyes but I am a big fan of green machines…we shall see – my MG is still making it’s way to it’s new home in London so when I have him snap built they can hang out on my desk and then will start painting some spoon tests.