
  • sparta112 posted an update in the group Group logo of Master Grade DiscussionMaster Grade Discussion 9 years, 9 months ago

    I want the other 3 gundams from 00 series to have MGs of their own = = only 00 gundam have MG and it stand out like a sore thumb with the others.

    Also Hi nu gundam ver.ka would be nice!!~~ crossing my fingers for a ver.ka sazabi (with armour split >:D) >_< x

    • I agree that a Hi-Nu would be nice. Wonder if it would be all that difficult since the Nu Gundam has a Ver.Ka now.

    • Hell Yes! I totally agree with you on the ally gundams from 00 getting their MG due. I have been dying for a MG Dynames, its probably my favorite MS from the series. I love me some sniper mobile suits.

      It is kinda ridiculous the lack of mg support Bandai has given the 00 franchise outside of the heroe gundams. They shown love for the Gundam Wing suits recently, so maaybe there is some hope for the future.

      I would also be interested in a Hi-Nu ver Ka. I have built the Nu ver Ka and just order the current MG Hi-Nu, so I’m interested the see the differences and how a ver Ka could improve it.