
  • MrMecha posted an update in the group Group logo of Master Grade DiscussionMaster Grade Discussion 7 years, 4 months ago

    So I bought my first MG today (The Zaku 2 2.0) and I’m quite curious if this is a good starter, the closest experience I have to building anything like a MG is the RG GP01. If I could get anyone’s opinion I’d be pretty grateful.

    • The MG 2.0 Zaku are great kits. Not some of the more difficult MG’s but some of the most fun due to their fantastic frames. You may find the build a little easier than the RG GP01 due to the parts being larger. Enjoy the kit!

      • I see, well that’s a relief since GP01 was quite frustrating. XD anyhow, thanks for the input Syd 😀