
  • SuperAwesomeSauce posted an update in the group Group logo of CUSTOM GUNPLA!CUSTOM GUNPLA! 7 years, 8 months ago

    FINALLY! the Gundams have arrived! the first one shown is my own personal, custom painted kitbash of the Try Burning Gundam, G-Self, and the Transient Gundam: The Gundam Crystal-Self. Honestly im really proud of myself as this is my first kitbash but I know I have room for improvement so if anyone has any comments and constructive criticism, let me know please, thank you! anyways the second gundam is basically a custom paint job of the Aile Strike Gundam with some extra modified bits and weapons from the kurenai weapon booster pack and some decorative flames on the shoulders. It’s name is the Flame Strike Gundam and its a project ive been helping a friend out with. anyways leave any suggestions and comments down below and tell your opinion, I would love to hear from this community, Thnx 🙂
    • It’s a good start for a first time. Always remember, you have nowhere to go but up, so make sure you plan out something even more challenging for your next go, or take some time to practice your painting, part clean up, etc by building some kits without any alterations or kitbashing, and try your hand at making dioramas. There is so much to learn and practice, which is what makes hobby modeling so great.

    • Looks great definitely worth your effort. You can only get better, keep it up