
  • Shane posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 8 years, 1 month ago

    Hey guys been awhile since I’ve been on here. Can anybody recommend any good sites on tutorials, such as how to paint kits for beginners??

    • I don’t have a link to anything as simple as just painting, but I’m sure Youtube has tons of those videos. Try looking up a guy on youtube called GhostofZeon. As for some more advanced stuff, I recommend trying this guy: he does great work, and he makes it rather simple to pick up.

    • found this with a quick search seems to cover quite a few things That should help you get started even has the tools listed that he uses.

    • That’s a good way to start there, however i suggest against using an x-acto knife to remove the gate. Once you have your part separated from the tree, use your sidecutters with the flat side facing the part, and trim the gate off as close as you can. This gives you less of a chance of gouging the plastic with the knife, which is a common issue by new modelers(and even for some more experienced ones). As you get more experienced, you’ll end up using a combination of your side cutters, knife, a file and sand paper for removing gates.

    • oh didn’t even notice he was using that in his tutorials, just found a site with a bunch of tutorials and posted to help out.

      Anyways yeah don’t use that, use a modeling knife, with changeable blades. Though I must confess when I started I was using a nail clipper to cut sprues,, would not recommend that either btw lol.