
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 5 months ago

    wip 9 well heres the model now with the caution paint added what do u guys think.

    • I like the how the Ecto is coming together Johann looking good.
      There is a but however, the stripes on the legs are a little uneven and it detracts from the overall quality (imho). Is this part of the design? If it is part of your design my bad and I apologize.
      Either way may be worth having a look at pics of construction vehicles.
      Ways looking forward to your packpack 🙂

      • “backpack”, finger fail!!

      • the strips are suppose to be dianglan cause its on the ecto 1 car sides it was anooying cause i was pretty much out of yellow and black and it dint want to stick most of the time and i cut all the strips the same but on the part is were it got diffrent XD. for ur info the yellow was tape over for the desing thier.