
  • CloakBall posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 5 months ago

    Before I started using my airbrush on these kits I began the modification of the other two specifically with the pelvis pieces that needed to be modified. I even did some sanding for one of the other again and to make the surface smooth. When I started to paint them with my single action airbrush, since it acts like an equivalent for this kit, and had to let this air dry while I was working on the advanced level entry, the pelvis piece broke from the Exia and Harute, so I had to glue them again, but also had to use an Iron.

    I’m giving them some names for all four of them, and it’s something I began to do when I saw Syd and Ryan building there own model kit, Red Scarlet Stalker the Second and it really makes sense.