
  • wwh0628 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    First WIP of my RX-78-2 ver 3.0. I decided that I will not painting the kit except the inner frame. My plan is to build the kit, apply the decals, panel linings, basic weathering if I have enough confidence, then finally apply flat clear coat.

    For the inner frame, I will use Tamiya Gun Metal (TS-38). For top coat, I will use Tamiya Flat Clear (TS-80). I also will try to play a little bit with Tamiya weathering master B. I hope everything will work fine.

    Until today, I only manage to build the core fighter. So far, I really like the result.


    • You seem pretty advanced for a beginner. That’s definitely a good thing going into this competition.

      • Thanks. In the past few months, while waiting for my orders to arrive from hlj, I keep watching different tutorials and reviews on youtube for ideas. I decided to use the core fighter as a testbed. I hope later on, the end result on the main kit will be great. This will be second MG. My first MG was Strike IWSP that I got last June. I tried different stuff on it, and I enjoyed it a lot. I will bring those experiences from Strike IWSP to this kit. I will be going all out.