
  • vCJD posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 2 months ago

    The humble beginnings of my RG/HG Seed Destiny; Gunner Zaku Warrior (Lunamarie Hawke Custom) conversion project.
    Using the RG Char’s Zak as the main structure, and grafting on parts from the HG Gunner Zak.

    I have a habit of leaving my projects to rot by the wayside, even after having spent literally days working on them. So please I openly welcome any and all; constructive criticism, cajoling, tomato throwing or open threats to see me through to the end of this one. (weither the outcome be good/bad)

    This is only the start, not sure how it will turn out. Probably a mess of solidified petro-chemicals. Lol.

    • I want to see how this is going to turn out.

    • I thought about converting a RG Zaku II into a Gunner Zaku, didn’t know how to go about it so I opted a different gundam.

      You remind me of myself. I left my old conversion of a MG Saviour and only just 2 days before, I brought it out to remodel it, I left it for years (4~5 yrs give or take), I got a lot of work to do for this messed up conversion, pictures of it would be horrible… I don’t know what I did to it when I was a kid with a nipper. hahaha

      • Normally with a conversion I look and see what I can kinda get away with not changing. Unfortunately, just the arms with this build.
        Oddly I may not affix the calf armour to the frame, I may just leave it floot on the feet.
        My issue is I get bored!! I do the hard parts, then can’t be bothered to finish the piece.
        Not to bore people but my Avatar is a piece I did. 80-100hrs work on. Not finished, pics of most of the parts can be found here.

        My problem when I was a kid was I just couldn’t find the tools, no internet back then.
        Now I can’t stop buying thw bleedin things.

        • Hahaha, agreed, back as a kid, there weren’t no internet but mags and meeting at model shop to have chats. Well, lets hope you get motivation to finish a Gunpla mod! What helps is that one is working on 2 different kits or that you have a passion with the kit in general.

          I see you got some Tau Crisis Suit! I like the Tau, but I haven’t got a clue how to play Warhammer yet, only ever had a taster in the game.

          • If people harass me, I should hopefully Finish this one.
            I got inspired for this and some other projects, by the Gundam RG Perfect Guide, Dengeki Hobby book. Whicj I highly recommend for images (only wish I could read the blasted thing, lol), just don’t expect paint!

            • And more inspiration from making some really talented friends on, and the excellent work displayed here by all.