
  • Tattletale posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 2 months ago

    Couple of a days until the end, i ran out of paint. Story of my life. Only two tiny little parts on the head left and funnels. I suck in everything what involves paint.

    • I hear you man! That happened to me with my AGE-1. You don’t stink at painting, it’s just that the can wastes a lot of paint.

      • I see… =( So, one thing is for sure – i will never use spray cans again. Especially for small parts and details. No, really – for the same price i could get every paint i need for right shade of purple, mix them, get the color i need, and a lot will remains… Yes, brush. But it will be way easier and I get what i want eventually.

        Will try to warm can and to shake it harder tomorrow, maybe i stil could get enough from it to finish what i started. It’s pretty cold here, so i probably have some chances…

        Lession learned, i guess… -_-

        • I don’t mean convert entirely to handpainting. Handpainting is a skill that takes a long time to master. I would recommend hand painting for the details, and spray painting for the main colors.

          • Agree. Big parts is really hard to paint so they can look good and strokes cannot be noticed. But I’m thinking about getting airbrush. Not for models only, I can probably use it for drawing, but right now it its too expensive for me=(

            I found paint, by the way. It’s darker, but i’ll figure something out. Mix it with white or light blue. It’s not as hopless as i thought ^_^