
  • Tattletale posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    Third update.

    Torso, head and hands are done. I guess, he already can kick some neozeonic butts XD

    But now I have doubts about stickers. I don’t really like how they looks on parts. = And it’s a bit hard to put them right because you should wrap them around sometimes. Maybe I should just get used to it…

    • Try Micro Set and Micro Sol. They help soften up the decal so it can bend, and reduces the shine. After it is all done it gives the decal a more painted on look. I have used it in the past on wet transfers and it should do the same for normal decals. Have not used it yet on a Gundam, but will be giving it a try on my model. I can try and do some before and after shots to see the difference.

      • Didn’t know there is such thing. Thank you very much for the info, that will help alot! If not with this kit, surely with future ones. I’ve had problems with foiled RG decals – some of the bended decals just pull off with no visible reason, but didn’t know how to avoid it -_- I hope I could find something in local shops

    • wanted to get this lit too, but all those stickers put me off

      • Actually, it’s pretty cool, but yes… stickers… After this kit I started to notice those coloring stickers on so many HG kits, until now i didn’t realize that this isn’t individual parts %)