
  • PKKite posted an update in the group Group logo of Master Grade DiscussionMaster Grade Discussion 8 years, 2 months ago

    Im building my first model and its going to be a MG. Are their any tips for MGs that are known or is it just follow the manual?

    • One of the simplest recommendations that even the manual gives is to get a gundam marker and fill in the panel lines. It really changes a model. Black is always a good choice, grey might be better on white suits, up to personal preference.

      As well as that, it’d be nice if you can get your hands on some matt/flat varnish (top coat) to apply after you’ve panel lined and put on the marking stickers/decals. I personally go with Mr Hobby Flat or Vallejo Matte varnish.

      These are a couple of easy and cheap things you can do for your models that will really make them look a lot better. Thats what I started out with anyway, you can build up your skills from there.

      Btw, which model have you chosen?

    • ok status update waiting for alligator clips to come in for top coating. Dry transfers need to go on a round surface T-T