
  • Christian posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 8 years ago

    RG Wing Update: Finished the body.

    I thought that it was pretty cool how the vulcans were designed. It’s three pieces but, it’s so good!

    Again nub removal (I think this will be a theme of mine) was easy and the engineering of the kit hid those nubs pretty well!

    There isn’t a cockpit unlike the other RG kit’s I have built (Seed and 00) but, that is ok. They managed to include that opening and closing gimmick for the vulcans so I am pretty happy with that.

    The hip frame is pretty sturdy but, it’s strength will truly be tested once the heavy back pack is attached. My experience with my RG Strike Freedom has proven that the back pack’s weight will pull the body back and dislocate the hip frame. I had to cement it in. I hope the Wing will hold up.

    Onto the arms!